Entries referred to § 5 TMG:
Dirk Sura
aqua & pools – Dipl. Ing. Dirk Sura
Bahnhofstrasse 14a
03130 Felixsee
+49 (162) 265 67 31
+49 (162) 265 67 31
Tax ID:
Tax identification number according to a sales tax law 27:
DE 290 544 132
Job Title: engineer
responsible chamber: University of Rostock
Awarded by: Germany
The following professional regulations apply: Universitätsabschluss
Rules available at: www.msf.uni-rostock.de/
Responsible for the content after § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:
Dipl. Ing. Dirk Sura
Bahnhofstrasse 14a
03130 Felixsee
Sources for the images and graphics:
Online Dispute Resolution:
In implementation of the EU Regulation 524/2013 is in February 2016 an internet platform for consumer arbitration available. This platform serves as a focal point to clarify discrepancies between consumers and online retailers. You can access this platform at the following link:
the EU Commission platform for online dispute resolution:
We are ready, participate in an extra-judicial conciliation proceedings before a consumer arbitration board. Responsible is the General Consumer Arbitration Board of the Center for mediation e.V., Strasbourg street 8, 77694 Kehl am Rhein: www.verbraucher-schlichter.de.
Liability for content
As a service provider we are responsible under § 7 1 TMG responsible for our own content on these pages under the general law. After §§ 8 to 10 TMG we are not obligated as a service provider, to monitor the transmitted or stored information or to investigate circumstances, which refer to an illegal activity. Obligations to remove or block the use of information under the general laws remain unaffected. However, a relevant liability is only possible from the date of knowledge of a specific infringement. Upon notification of such violations, we will remove the content immediately.
The contents of this website are carefully researched. Nevertheless, the provider can not be held responsible for the correctness, take over completeness and timeliness of the information provided. The information is in particular a general nature and does not constitute legal advice in individual cases. To solve specific legal cases, please consult a lawyer necessarily.
With the use of the freely accessible and free content, no contractual relationship between the user and the provider. If you view a violation for granted, asks the provider to provide an indication of cost-generating measures and refrain.
Online content
The contents of the e-learning platform based on publications, which summarize the current state of development to individual procedures and methods described. All content on the information platform created and tested for accuracy, the quality of the information to ensure.
aqua&pools as publishers and editors and the authors of the courses assume no responsibility for the timeliness, correctness, Completeness or quality of the information provided. Liability claims against the above, which refer to any material or immaterial, the caused by the use or misuse of any information. caused by the use of incorrect or incomplete information, are generally excluded, unless Publisher, Editorial or author is not intentional or grossly negligent. All offers are non-binding. aqua&pools, it reserves the right, to change parts of or the entire offer without prior notice, to complete, delete or cease publication temporarily or permanently. aqua&pools always strives course,, to make his offer as user-friendly as possible.
Liability for links
Our service contains links to third party websites, over which we have no control. Therefore we can not accept any responsibility for this external content. The provider or operator of the pages is always responsible for the contents of any Linked Site. The linked sites were checked at the time of linking for possible legal violations. Illegal contents were not apparent at the time of linking. A permanent control of the linked pages is unreasonable without concrete evidence of a violation. Upon notification of violations, we will immediately remove such links.
The content and works on these pages created by the site operators are subject to German copyright law. duplication, processing, Distribution and any kind of exploitation outside the limits of copyright law require the written consent of the author. creator. Downloads and copies are for private use only, non-commercial use. As far as the content is not created by the website operators, the copyrights of third parties are respected. In particular contents of third parties are marked as such. You should still be aware of copyright infringement, we ask for a hint. Upon notification of violations, we will remove the content immediately.