Who can not calculate, takes Tichelmann*!

The system of the pool hydraulic Tichelmann is widespread and can often be used without special calculations. But what, if thepool is not rectangular or relative 1:2 was built or even designed with curves in the pool wall from architects? In the article, the newspaper of the Federal Association of German Schwimmmeister “Das Schwimmbad und sein Personal” edition 02/2019 a note is given to the methods of calculation.

On the (Pool-) border looked

If we let it flow! Is there a reason, think about this little "surge water piping"? No later than, if you can convert these ideas into cash. Because of the surge of water transport in an overflow channel and a slope line is pure waste of money. For simplicity, we assume the basin from the last post and expect times with these values.

The miller his pool

It was once a miller, was poor, but he had a large outdoor swimming pool. Now it happened, that he came to speak to the King, and to make himself appear, he said to him,: “I have a pool, the sun and water can spin into gold.” The king said to the miller: “This is an art, pleases me well, if your planning office is so clever, as you say, so bring it tomorrow in my castle, I will put her to the test.”

The lazy river and its pitfalls!

The adventure channel is a very commonly used in public attraction experience pools. The rotating water flow makes visitors much fun. A common mistake is, because of the rotation, to have to limit the pool with a wall. The assumption, that a particularly large amount of water would flow into the overflow channel in this area, will be refuted in the article. Published in the magazine 07/2018 the newspaper of the Federal Association of German Schwimmmeister "The swimming pool and its staff".

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