The miller his pool

It was once a miller, was poor, but he had a large outdoor swimming pool. Now it happened, that he came to speak to the King, and to make himself appear, he said to him,: “I have a pool, the sun and water can spin into gold.” The king said to the miller: “This is an art, pleases me well, if your planning office is so clever, as you say, so bring it tomorrow in my castle, I will put her to the test.”

The lazy river and its pitfalls!

The adventure channel is a very commonly used in public attraction experience pools. The rotating water flow makes visitors much fun. A common mistake is, because of the rotation, to have to limit the pool with a wall. The assumption, that a particularly large amount of water would flow into the overflow channel in this area, will be refuted in the article. Published in the magazine 07/2018 the newspaper of the Federal Association of German Schwimmmeister "The swimming pool and its staff".

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